Community Living News


Covid 19 Update September 2021

Welcome to Level 2-Delta!

We hope you and yours are well.

While it is officially "Level 2", it's not quite the same as it was last time around in 2020. Please stay safe and stay well,

The Team at Community Living

Visitors at Level 2

We encourage visits at level 2, but please note that there are requirements. We're not back to normal yet!

These requirements are mostly the same as at level 3:
  • Visits must still be arranged in advance
  • Anyone who has been in a location of interest of in contact with someone who has, should not visit
  • A face covering will be required at all times during the visit
  • 2 metres physical distancing applies for the whole visit
  • Contact tracing will be required, whether through the app or a form
  • Please don't visit if you are sick or have recently been sick
These requirements are different from level 3:
  • If the staff are ok with it, people can have more than one visitor at a time. Please talk to the staff about how many they think they can have.
  • Anyone can visit, not just whānau or family.
To arrange a visit, please contact your usual Community Living contact person.
Click for some easy read information about Alert Level 2
Everything below has been sent in previous newsletters, but is included here to make it easy to find.

Face coverings and exemptions

These are now needed in supermarkets and most shops, as well as on public transport. 

Some people who have a disability or health condition may not be able to wear a face covering safely or comfortably. These people can get an exemption card to show when needed, for example to a bus driver. To find out more click here

You can request a card from the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ by contacting them on 04 801 9100 or at
Contact tracing is now required! Get the app here, or sign in manually using the forms at most places.


Demand for tests is very high, and the testing centres can't always keep up. Read this document to see if you should get tested!

Activities and resources

Click for some great lockdown activities and resources from MenCap in the UK
Click for the official Covid 19 Website
Complaints and Compliments
Click here for the form